Thursday, May 4, 2017

Crochet-Coasters Kawaii

Strawberry, Watermelon and Apple-Coasters
And Mr. Toaster
The perfect 4-slot Coaster-holder


For the kids superhero-party - Decorations/Props DIY

Photo-Prop BATMAN

                                 GOTHAM-CITY skyline
                                (see last pic for "before-Picture", so you get an idea how I made it)

That's the pay-phone that went into the phone-booth.
I actually installed a paper-towel-roll on the inside, so the kids can insert money in the 50c-coin-slot and it was dropping out at the bottom. How fun.


Those are my props after the party.
They still look OK :) and the kids had a really good time playing with them.

Gotham-City Skyline before!
Don't forgot to buy the really good 3M-duct-tape, or else you end up doing the taping twice (like me)


Unicorn Crochet - because it's all about the magic Unicorn

Kawaii Unicorn
One of many crochet-unicorns I made for my daughter.

Rick and Morty crochet and more crochet

 I made the whole crew.. well, almost the whole crew.